vaccine developed by the Gamaleya Institute and based on the adenoviral vectors Ad26 and Ad5. The closest analogs are AstraZeneca, Johnson & Jonhson и CanSino Biologics vaccines
the epidemiological effectiveness of the Sputnik V. An authoritative medical magazine “Lancet” published the results of the Sputnik V trial that confirms its high efficiency and safety
have already approved the Gamaleya vaccine, including some from the EU. The European Medicines Agency (EMA) is now considering Russia's application to permit using Sputnik V in the EU
the minimum time interval between getting doses. Your vaccine tour can be for any number of days: you can leave the country the same day when you got the shot or stay longer to get 2 doses in 1 trip
Russia is one of the few places in the world where it is rather easy to get Covid-19 vaccine for everyone without standing in queues, without age, profession or other limits
Russian Sputnik V is effective and safe
We have currently a low level of confirmed cases, it is a safe destination for your vaccine tour
There are few valid restrictions, so if you wish you can fully enjoy the “normal” life
KMP Group is Incoming Tour Operator in Russia and CIS founded 31 years ago. Before the pandemic we used to serve more than 40k tourists annually in cooperation with largest world tour operators.
Today, we will be glad to assist you with your vaccine tour to Russia.
If you have a valid visa, you also need a reason to cross the border. We will help you to issue an invitation! If you have no valid visa, unfortunately, you just have to wait for the borders opening.
Find below answers to some questions you may have!
The project of Covid-19 passports has not been finally approved yet, so we can’t tell for sure whether Sputnik V will be included in the list of valid vaccines, but:
On 06/05/2021, the 4th Russian vaccine Sputnik Light based on the adenoviral vector Ad26 was approved. The results of the 1st and 2nd clinical trials are very encouraging. They have demonstrated 79.4% efficacy and safety, which is higher than many two-dose vaccines.
Phase 3 clinical trials involving 7,000 people took place in several countries, including Russia, the United Arab Emirates and Ghana. Preliminary results are expected later.
The main purpose of the Sputnik Light one-shot vaccine is revaccination, but it can be used for basic vaccination in the event of a vaccine shortage. General vaccination will begin before January 2022. For the 1st vaccination it is recommended to use the classic Sputnik V vaccine.
Please, note that even if a doctor’s check is foreseen by the vaccine package, consultation with your own doctor in your country is absolutely necessary before your vaccine tour to Russia!
In order to be accepted for boarding the plane to Russia, all foreign citizens have to provide a printed medical document (in English or Russian) confirming the negative PCR test for COVID-19, passed not earlier than 3 calendar days before arrival to Russia. They will be also asked to show it upon arrival at the border control. I would like to underline that the document must be printed out. SMS or any other form of confirmation on the mobile phone will not be accepted. Moreover, if this document is in another language, it should be translated into Russian and certified by the respective Russian Consulate.
According to the last decision of Rospotrebnadzor which is responsible for public health, dated 16 April 2021 N 13 (entered into force on 21 April), foreign citizens and stateless persons can be subject to random COVID-test upon arrival to Russia at the airport.
This test is additional to the one required before a vaccine tour to Russia.
Please note!!! Passengers arriving from the UK, besides the PCR-test, have to self-isolate for 14 days upon arrival. Indian citizens must be tested for Covid-19 after passing passport control in Russian airport, and afterward, they have to self-isolate till getting the PCR test results.
We all dream of returning back to the normal “before Covid” life. Only vaccination can bring humanity closer to this goal. Make a personal contribution to the long-term goal and allay the fears for your health and the health of your nearest and dearest! Come to Russia on your Sputnik vaccine tour!
Contact info
Moscow Head Office 119180, Russia,Moscow, 1st Khvostov lane, 3A, bld. 2
Tel: +7 (495) 721-1706
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